Articles and Publications
Journal of Alternative Medicine Research, Volume 3, Number 3 (2012) by Soren Ventegodt, John Veltheim, Joav Merrick.
In an unprecedented move by the journal’s publishers who were so impressed with Dr John Veltheim’s development of BodyTalk, they dedicated an entire volume solely to articles on BodyTalk.
Journal of Pain Management, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (2015) (p 279-290) by Laura L Stuve, Ph.D., Honghu Liu, Ph.D., Jie Shen, Ph.D., Jill Gianettoni, and Janet Galipo, MA, DOM.
Dr Laura Stuvé, a renowned PhD molecular biologist and an Advanced Certified Instructor and Practitioner of BodyTalk Mind-Body Medicine, was the principal investigator on the first formal clinical research study for BodyTalk. The study demonstrated significant improvements in pain intensity and associated emotional symptoms.
The Telegraph, UK, by Tessa Boase.
“Obama, who this week celebrated his first year in office, shares a little secret with Oprah. They are reportedly both fans of ‘BodyTalk,’ the alternative healthcare system of the moment, now finding converts in Britain.”
Positive Health Magazine UK, Issue 135, May 2007, by Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, Sally Kingsley.
“Further credence has been given to The BodyTalk System by The World Peace Centre in India, with its generous invitation to Dr Veltheim to the centre, offering the use of its facilities and state-of-the-art equipment. The centre owns instrumentation that can photograph and document changes in the body’s energy fields. In South Africa, 2,000 nurses are about to add the BodyTalk Access techniques to their skills….”
Wholeness & Wellness Journal of Saskatchewan, Volume 9, Issue 6, Mar/Apr 2004.
“The basic premise underlying BodyTalk constitutes a new paradigm for synchronizing and balancing the body-mind that can be implemented in conjunction with any health care system.”
Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan 9, 2009,
by Ben Swan.
“The ultimate miracle, however, is when the client recognizes his or her own body’s ability to heal. “There is a strong, grounded aspect to this,” Hames said. “Reiki and other healing techniques, I see them as tools, and they are very good. But BodyTalk is the whole toolbox.”
Christine Mc Nair, B.Sc. (Hons.) Physiotherapy (Wits), Certified BodyTalk Practitioner and BodyTalk Access Trainer.
A research article on an outreach trial undertaken to report on, and attempt to quantify, the influence of the BodyTalk Access program on school-going children with learning disabilities in Johannesburg.
By The BodyTalk System.
“Within the global medical world, an incredible amount of scientific research and innovation is occurring. The resulting new understandings are inspiring major changes in the way healthcare issues are being addressed. These changes will have profound ramifications on the way medicine is practiced over the next few decades and into the future. Many of the treatment methods will involve advanced technology, transforming our approach to tackling complex diseases.”
By Dr John Veltheim. Dr John Veltheim is the founder of BodyTalk and co-founder of both the International BodyTalk Association and International BodyTalk Foundation.
“On many occasions, I have seen patients treated by a practitioner using a specific technique without a result. Later, I have seen a different practitioner use the exact same technique on the same patient with great results. Conversely, a practitioner can treat one patient with a particular simple disease and have great results and yet have bad results with another.”